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The Golden Sphincter

Circa 2018 AD // Year 0 ER=EPR[1]


In February 2018 AD, which has since become known as Year 0 ER=EPR, eight identical metal objects were discovered in eight locations in close proximity of the equator, in Kenya. The sites of discovery mark out a region that is a point-for-point mirror image of the Golden Ring, a cultural and religious sightseeing route through ancient cities of Russia.


The polished bronze pieces, four centimetres in diameter, visually resemble a circular muscle. They have become known as the Golden Sphincters for their shape, colour, and the geographical locations in which they were found. Archaeologists and anthropologists internationally have always already begun extensive research, but the provenance of the Golden Sphincters is so far unknown. 


Leading physicists have suggested that the event may be of great enough significance to the current study of entangled black holes - or spacetime tunnels - that it warrants an introduction of a new calendar era, a new system of numbering years.  


Leonard Susskind, a professor of theoretical physics at Stanford University and director of the Stanford Institute for Theoretical Physics, proposes to name the new era ER=EPR, a conjecturestating that entangled particles are connected by a wormhole, and may be a basis for unifying general relativity and quantum mechanics into a theory of everything. 


Susskind adds that “the connectivity of space can be more topologically interesting as a consequence of entanglement”[2], and that “if Alice jumps into her black hole and Bob jumps into his, they have a chance of meeting at the centre.”[3]


[1]Einstein-Rosen = Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen

[2]Stanford Institute for Theoretical Physics, 2014


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